Happy Thanksgiving!

Mill Creek Towne Garden Club – Reflections of 2021

We began this year the same way we ended last year – zooming our meetings! We learned how to use iNaturalist, what’s growing on the Butterbee Farm, and how to add some WOW to a small garden. Our own Lauren Hubbard presented a program on the importance of planting native species.  In March we celebrated Arbor Day with a native tree and shrub giveaway!

As the world opened up, so did our garden club.  Members hosted Happy Hours and meetings outside in their beautiful backyards. In October we took an amazing field trip to the Glenstone Museum in Potomac, MD.  Thanks to our guided tour, we learned more about the art, architecture and its nearly 300 acres of woodland.

Finally, after a year and a half of county requests to rehabilitate the 46-year-old Shady Grove tunnel, we succeeded!  Thank you MCDOT for a job well done! We now have a cleaner, safer passage through, as well as across Shady Grove Road.

The MCT Garden Club will continue to beautify the entrances at Shady Grove, Roslyn and Miller Fall.  Thank you MCT community for your continued support!

Warm Regards,

Beth Giannone

MCT Garden Club President